Soaring to new heights ... by discovering
eKids exists to partner with families to train up fully devoted followers of Christ by encouraging gospel-centered conversations, building community and loving others BIG.
Sundays @ 9:15 for Connect Groups
@ 10:30 for eKids Worship
Wednesdays @ 6pm for eKids
Luke 2:52
“Jesus became wiser and stronger. He also became more and more pleasing to God and to People.”
This is our verse for eKids at Eagle Heights Baptist Church. We aim for each child to grow wiser and stronger in their faith, with Jesus Christ. We want them to develop a life-changing relationship with Christ! If Christ comes into a child’s heart at a young age, it will continue to grow throughout their life!
Our goals are to teach simple fundamental truths they will build on for the rest of their lives and to have FUN while learning the word of God!
Eagle truly loves kids and embraces a commitment to support families by teaching God’s Word and maintaining an atmosphere that inspires faith and growth. Our eKids Ministry focuses on guiding children through each stage of life with fun and intentionality while preparing parents to cultivate their child’s growing faith in God. Through purposeful teaching and engaging programs designed specifically for them, eKids helps kids from nursery through grade 5 learn God’s truth and shape a biblical understanding of the world. In a safe and nurturing environment, kids know they are loved and cared for and parents are supported and equipped.
Kayla serves as the children’s director at Eagle Heights Baptist Church. She has been over the children’s ministry since the beginning of 2023, her goal is for every child to know Christ in a real way! Kayla believes if the seed is planted at a young age, the fruits of the spirit will continue to grow for a lifetime.
Kayla is married to Kanon Tougaw, and they have two boys: Derek and Calvin.
Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
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